Why I thought I’d killed my baby

Sally Wilson: My postpartum psychosis.  Grateful for ECT. Nina McCallig: grateful for being sectioned. I saw a midwife take Ella away, I believed they were taking her to be resuscitated because I’d harmed her. I was convinced that because I’d hurt my baby I had died and was now living in the ‘after life’, a Read More …

Bladder stones, a 17th century musical

Lithotomy – and hence, the lithotomy position. Commentary French composer Martin Marais (1656-28) wrote this dramatic, narrated piece about the experience of this terrifying, high-risk, no-anaesthetic operation in the 17th century. The approach was trans-perineal. Samuel Pepys had a bladder stone removed this way when he was 25 in 1658, repeatedly mentioned in his diaries, including Read More …